Digital: Matt W Moore
These two pieces are both extremely different in a large variety of ways such as the use of colour and geometric shapes but also including most importantly the fact that one is handmade (Hennie Haworth) and one is digital (Matt W Moore) ; they do however have some things in common, most obviously the fact that they are both forms of typography but also that they both pick a theme for a certain word (or in Matt W Moore's case a certain letter) and keep to that theme throughout the piece whether it be a vampire theme that you can see in Hennie Haworth's work, or futuristic, quite sharp theme that you may see in Matt W Moore's work.
The other main difference between the pieces is that Hennie Haworth's due to being handmade has been drawn quite delicately and produces a certain charm when the people viewing know that a lot of care and attention has gone into hand drawing it; whereas Matt W Moore's piece due to being made digitally it seems quite corporate and almost like a piece of advertisement, also due to it being made digitally while it certainly must have required a lot of time and work, you don't necessarily have to be as careful or attentive to your work as you have an undo button and an eraser tool.
The other main difference between the pieces is that Hennie Haworth's due to being handmade has been drawn quite delicately and produces a certain charm when the people viewing know that a lot of care and attention has gone into hand drawing it; whereas Matt W Moore's piece due to being made digitally it seems quite corporate and almost like a piece of advertisement, also due to it being made digitally while it certainly must have required a lot of time and work, you don't necessarily have to be as careful or attentive to your work as you have an undo button and an eraser tool.